The Practicing Hope Summit will engage participants in conversation, interactive exploration, and action planning through four core formats:


Plenaries will engage the entire corps of summit participants in activities and discussions. These full group sessions will occur throughout the summit.

Lab Sessions:

These breakout sessions will be led by a prestigious group of facilitators and will engage small groups of participants in conversations of critical topics relating to our theme. Lab Sessions will be interactive and discussion-based.

Praxis Sessions:

Praxis is the act of engaging, applying, exercising, realizing, or practicing ideas. These small group sessions will be a time to practice the ideas of the summit and apply them to the participants own work. Paulo Freire said, “Liberation is a praxis: the action and reflection of men and women upon their world in order to transform it.” Participants will meet with a consistent group throughout the summit in these sessions.

Keynote Speakers:

The summit will feature two keynote experiences from leaders in the field to catalyze conversation, offer insight, inspire action, and provoke conversation.